Articles submitted to the Journal editorial team will be considered for publication if they meet the following criteria:

  1. The manuscript will go through a single blind review process by reviewers and the decision to be accepted is determined by the Editor. The published manuscript will be edited by the editor without changing the substance.
  2. Scientific in nature and as a result of research and community service.
  3. Articles must be original, in the form of research results or reports on community service, not yet published and not currently being submitted for publication in another journal.
  4. The title must be clear and no more than 15 words.
  5. Authors do not need to include academic degrees.
  6. The manuscript is typed in Microsoft Word document format with The manuscript is typed in Microsoft Word document format with Segoe UI Font, size 12 pts, single spaced, A 4 paper, 4,500 - 8,000 words (maximum) including abstract and bibliography.
    Font, size 12 pts, single spaced, A 4 paper, 4,500 - 8,000 words (maximum) including abstract and bibliography.
  7. Manuscript length between 4,000 - 7,000 words (maximum) including abstract and references.
  8. All articles must include a 100-200 word abstract and 3-5 keywords.
  9. Article structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography.
  10. The format for citing (bodynotes) and writing a bibliography follows APA 6th edition
  11. Articles are sent via online submission.
  12. Articles with plagiarism checking results greater than 30% will automatically be rejected. Accepted articles will be published after the plagiarism checking results are less than 30%.